Monika Stickler: "Leadership work is to understand the special needs of your organization and to connect these with the beneficiaries"
Monika Stickler, from Österreichische Rotes Kreuz, talks about the leadership and entrepreneurial competences in the third sector organizations.
Monika Stickler is one of the Third Sector leaders involved in the Eu3Leaders project. The project is an Erasmus+ financed project with the mission to improve the quality of the trainings for Third Sector leaders in Europe.
What do you understand by entrepreneurial leader in third sector?
Is a little bit more than leadership for me. It’s not only to command an organisational structure. It is wide and open for different things that are involved in this leadership engagement.
Could you give 3 examples of the skills that such leader should have?
I think patience is one of the soft skills, good communication skills and having a good overview about the organisation resources.
How entrepreneurial are you in your role?
I think that not really much, it’s not my responsibility to be entrepreneurial.
Why leadership is particularly relevant for the voluntary sector?
Everyday life is not function if you don’t have leadership, There is no difference between the staff and the volunteers. They also need the structures and they also need a clear goal, so its important for both of them, staff and volunteers.
What makes leadership work in your organization?
Leadership work is to understand the organization and the special needs of your organization and to connect this with the special needs of our beneficiaries.
Did such methodology helped you to realise new things in terms of your competences and skills?
Yes, It was a good overview for the things we have to check and to realise if we take the leadership. It is good and wide, and also awful when we have to decide.
You have participated in the workshop that focused on certain competences that were presented within the framework of Entrecomp. Do you think it is possible do create the European Framework of Competences of Third Sector Leaders?
I think that the framework I have seen in this workshop is the flight-level, is very high and we have to translate it into the practical order, it’s a good framework but you have to translate it.
* “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
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