
6 tips to promote your nonprofit offline events’ online

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    Offline events are the key to strengthen your nonprofit's community
    Offline events are the key to strengthen your nonprofit's community
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    Canva is a good graphic design tool for nonprofits
    Canva is a good graphic design tool for nonprofits
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    Tweetdeck logo
    Tweetdeck logo
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    Pixlr is another free and esay to use graphic design tool
    Pixlr is another free and esay to use graphic design tool

Is there a life out of the Internet? Yes, there is, and your nonprofit should be there: nothing strengthens a community more than live events. To reach as many people as possible, though, life events need to be shared before, and the social networks.

Here we offer you some tips to share your nonprofit events’ online.

1) Create a Facebook event and post updates it to keep attendants interested. Creating a Facebook event is a must, even if this particular social network is losing track: the events is the reason users haven’t closed their Facebook account yet. However, it is important for you to remind attendants who are just “interested”. “Interested” means you have to gently insist creatively.

How? Try asking attendants what interests them most about the event and post pictures about the behind-the-scenes as your nonprofit prepare for the event.

2) Go live on Facebook and/or Instagram to announce the event. Depending on the nature of your nonprofit you might be more or less interested in having an Instagram account. A younger audience, for instance, will force you to have one.

But both on Instagram and Facebook you can go live, and going live has stadistically proved to be the most engaging in terms of audience. Go live and share the video on you Facebook page.

 If your nonprofit is more Instagramer, record the video and turn it into a story. If you record the video first, then you will have the chance to decide whether you want to turn you Instagram story into a standard post.

3) Invest some money in your Facebook event. If your nonprofit is young and still has to build a solid community around it, investing some money to promote some of your nonprofit events through Facebook might be an interesting option. Even with a low budget ad campaign of let’s say 10 euros or dollars, you can reach many people.

4) Create a private group to organize events. It is important to share the event and spread the word about it as much as possible, and the best way to do this is by having all of your nonprofit’s team take part. Be it a Facebook private group, a Telegram or WatsApp group, the whole team should have a platform where they can internally talk to each other about the event.

5) Use online design platforms like Canva to create visually attractive posters and images to share your event online. There is no Facebook or Instagram event without images, and ugly images are not an option. Especially if you’re using Instagram, the image your nonprofit offers the world has to be acceptable, and the standard of what is visually acceptable is getting higher and higher. If you don’t have any graphic designer in your nonprofit don’t freak out, there are dozens of online tools that can serve your interests: Canva is particularly good for nonprofits, but there a lot more options. You can also try pixlr online editor, for instance.

6) Use hashtags to promote your events and activities and do some basic research. Hashtags are a good way of letting strangers know about your nonporfit’s mission and activities. Twitter and Instagram are good social networks for hashtags, especially Twitter. 

If your nonprofit has a Twitter account, Tweetdeck is a free useful social media tool to use Twitter in a much more strategic way. Are you still at a loss about Tweetdeck? For more information on how it works you can click here

Having said this, if your nonprofit is bigger and your community manager skills are notorious, you can even try Hootsuite, which manages all social networks.


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