Human rights

Income from the top 100 arms companies rose 1.3% in 2020.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) publish a report that indicates that the revenues of the top 100 companies in the arms industry grew by 1.3% in 2020, a year marked by the global recession caused by covid-19.

A group of people in a protest to demand the defense and protection of human rights .

NGO REDS has published the diagnosis, with the aim of taking a step forward in international solidarity, and appealing to collective responsibility.


The criminal justice framework often harms the rights of trafficked persons and related vulnerable groups, while its scope is far too limited to deal with the complexity of trafficking in human beings.


What is the International Accord, and what difference is it making in the garment industry? 

Thousands of working people have died during the preparation of the Wolrd Cup.

Amnesty International denounces the labour exploitation and deaths of workers during the preparation of the sports tournament and once again demands a gesture from the Spanish Football Federation.

Bloody Basil, by Elia Ghorbiah, is one of the short films that can be seen in Tasharuk.

The website, run by five organizations, shows how the interaction between the Israeli occupation and the dominant patriarchal system in Palestine especially affects Palestinian women and girls.

Presentation of the report 'Violence of the Public Force violates fundamental rights in the protests of the Paro National'.

The Delegation defines Ivan Duque's government as an "authoritarian regime disguised as democracy", as it doesn't guarantee the right to peaceful protest, critical thinking, democratic opposition and information.

Philippe de Dinechin is the current director and one of the founders of the Fundación Comparte.

The Comparte Foundation has been working for more than two decades to improve the lives of children in Latin America through educational projects.

Dani Vilaró is one of the spokespersons for Amnesty International against the death penalty.

On the occasion of World Day Against the Death Penalty, which is celebrated on October 10, we talked to one of Amnesty International's spokespersons about this issue.

Nadia Ghulam, writer and peace activist.

The activist and writer talks about the importance of education as a tool for resolving conflicts in Afghanistan. 


“Good education” requires treating others with respect and consideration. Violence is just the opposite; it is a form of relationship that is characterized by a total lack of respect. 

Children cycling on a street flooded by rain.

A billion children live in countries with a very high risk of exposure to heat waves, cyclones, floods or air pollution, according to the Unicef ​​report on children’s climate risk index.

