Human rights

‘The prize is not a medal, it is saving your life’ is the slogan of the ‘Change the rules’ campaign.

La Comissió Espanyola d'Ajuda al Refugiat (Spanish Commission for Refugees) demands that the authorities guarantee the rights of migrants and refugees.

The CCASPS has issued a statement in relation to the diplomatic conflict between Spain and Morocco.

Coordinadora Catalana d’Ajuntaments Solidaris amb el Poble Sahrauí (CCASPS) denounces the relationship between Spain and Morocco in the management of the conflict in Western Sahara.

NASA space launch in 2020.

We analyze the environmental and social impact of the space race with the Debt Observatory in Globalization (ODG).

Mahmoud Assy,  the co-founder of the Association.

The co-founder of the Association talks about his experience as a refugee.

 NouSol has been running the Bobo-Dioulasso center project since 2018.

The Girona-based NGO NouSol has revitalized a Day Center for children and young people in the city of Burkina Faso.

Five countries received the 40% of the displaced people.

UNHCR has published the report ‘Global Trends: Forced displacement in 2020’ that shows the number of displaced people all over the world.

Rainbow Europe, is ILGA Europe’s annual benchmarking tool that includes the Rainbow Map, and Index and national recommendations.

ILGA Europe has released its ‘Rainbow Europe Map’ showing a worrying setback in some countries and a general standstill with regards to the rights of LGBTI people.

The European Union (EU) finally gave the green light to a Covid certificate or passport, which will facilitate travel around Europe from July 1

Covid certificates face the challenge of facilitating international mobility and economic recovery while not deepening inequality and respecting privacy.

The CIE of the Zona Franca has prevented the visits of relatives and entities since it reopened after the pandemic.

Various organizations and groups encourage to mobilize against these spaces and demand an end to institutional violence.


As the UNHCR Global Trends report marks another sad record with 82,4 million refugees and internally displaced, the European contribution to ensure protection remains disproportionately modest. 

Kurdish women are the leaders of the Kurdistan liberation movements.

Leaders of the Kurdish people's liberation movement, the women of Kurdistan, the largest stateless region in the world, are approaching feminism and gender equality through their struggles.

Salam Al-Maslamani, member of the Palestinian Community of Catalonia and the Catalan Association of Jews and Palestinians – JUNTS (TOGETHER).

New attacks have re-ignited the historic conflict between Palestine and Israel. Dozens of people have been killed in a wave of violence in the area in recent days.

