
The intentional choice to take action toward peace is by no means an easy one; it is, however, a necessary choice that begins with disrupting the ideologies and systems that validate and reward conflict and violence.

A nuclear exchange would be catastrophic, and nuclear war between the US and Russia would present an existential threat.


Russia is not only violating the sovereignty of one of it’s neighbours and its people, but is also questioning the whole architecture of global security, and is using the fragile situation of a dysfunctional and ineffective UN Security Council.


The peace movement can make an important contribution to this process of détente through popular diplomacy from below. 

Nadia Ghulam, writer and peace activist.

The activist and writer talks about the importance of education as a tool for resolving conflicts in Afghanistan. 


“Good education” requires treating others with respect and consideration. Violence is just the opposite; it is a form of relationship that is characterized by a total lack of respect. 

The first edition took place in 2016, in Berlin.

Next autumn, the capital of Catalonia will host a large gathering of international movements for peace and justice.

The ceasefire was instituted on November 10.

After more than forty days of combat, the two countries reached an agreement mediated by Russia to end the war.

The mobilizations in Chile have been the tool that has taken a first step towards change.

After a particularly tough year, the South American country expects 2021 to bring a radical change in its political, economical and social system

The United Nations has reached the ratification of the 50 countries needed to implement the treaty.

UN has announced that the agreement, ratified by over 50 countries, will be put in place on the 22nd January 2021. Fundipau calls on the Spanish government to join the treaty to ‘protect people’s lives’.

Hightlight the BBVA, Santander, ING, Deutsche Bank, Banc Sabadell, Bankia and Caixabank.

The Centre Dèlas, in collaboration with the FETS, identifies for the first time the insurance companies and pension funds that collaborate with the military armament sector.

Two reports of the School for a Culture of Peace looking into the situation of the Palestinian women.

The School for a Culture of Peace publishes a report looking into the implementation of the UN resolution on Women, Peace and Security in the region and highlighting the role played by social organizations in the process.

