
virtual volunteering allows volunteers to be more available on a daily basis and to offer help in their area of expertise.

In the midst of an increasingly digitized world, virtual volunteering is gaining momentum as a powerful tool for social change. 

The goal is to pave the way for information that works for global justice.

The dissemination of information about countries in conflict or other problems from entities and the media must contribute to international cooperation that is equal and respectful of global justice.

Post "Seu voto para colocar no poder quem move as cidades".

The director of the Polis Institute and Rodrigo Lacovini, from the same institution and a member of the Global Platform for the Right to the City, tell us of the topics on Brazil’s social agenda and the role played by citizens in the fight for cities that are “more just, sustainable and democratic”.

This report is part of the "Territories in Transition" initiative of the Table of the third sector.

The Third Sector Platform of Catalonia and Xarxanet-Nonprofit have developed a thematic report to explore the Brazilian challenges and highlight emerging proposals by society and human rights organizations of the country.

"Child sexual exploitation and abuse, affects an estimated one billion children worldwide and ECPAT’s research has concluded that no country or region is ‘immune".
ECPAT calls for swift intervention to stop the growing exploitation of children caused by contextual factors and internet material.
 Since 2013, the 'Cities Defenders of Human Rights' project has been working to make visible and support the work of human rights defenders.

From October 3 to 11, Catalonia welcomes eight activists from around the world to publicize their struggles.

International Day of Peace 21st September 2022 Theme. End Racism. Build Peace.

The UN General Assembly has declared as a theme of this year’s Peace Day the end of racism to build Peace.

The Pere Tarrés Foundation is organizing the 1st International Congress on Educational Leisure and Sociocultural Action on 3 and 4 November.

Present your communication proposals to the Leissure congress that will be held on November 3 and 4.


The castellers of London demonstrate that a Catalan tradition can take place in other parts of the world. Cuss Stephen Anderson, the president of the organization, explains us how it feels to practice castells so far from Catalonia.

Icona de Validada per la comunitat
Participants in one of the theater workshops of the ACTin'YOUth project.

ACTinYOUth is an international project to empower youths through acting and ICTs. The idea is to develop acting workshops for social inclusion of youths coming from different cultural backgrounds and at risk of social exclusion.

More than 70 countries will be participating in GivingTuesday. Source: Pixabay (CC License).

Once again, on 3 December, we’re celebrating a day dedicated to giving back. It follows the first days of intense, non-stop shopping that mark the beginning of the Christmas season around the world.

Image of the campaign. Image: Stop Poverty

The global movement ATD Fourth World calls to action in order to make a world without poverty. Dozens of events have been prepared on the 17th October. 

