
Wapsi and Teaming, ways to help nonprofits with 1 euro or at no cost at all

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    Madre Coraje, one of Wapsi's partner organizations
    Madre Coraje, one of Wapsi's partner organizations
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    Down Galicia, one of Wapsi's partner organizations
    Down Galicia, one of Wapsi's partner organizations
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    DASYC, one of Wapsi's partner organizations
    DASYC, one of Wapsi's partner organizations
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    Alegría en Etiopía, one of Teaming's groups
    Alegría en Etiopía, one of Teaming's groups

Are microdonations the future of nonprofits? It could be, especially since initiatives like Teaming and Wapsi keep on growing.

The Internet and its platforms offer us the chance to broaden our horizons of donation. Thanks to online donation platforms, we no longer need to be part of an NGO to support it financially. We don’t even need more than one extra euro to support any kind of NGO.

Can we make our solidarity effective only by making donations of tiny amounts of money? The answer is that we can certainly do so. In Catalunya, Teaming crowdfunding platform and Wapsi application allow us to give with almost no effort.


Teaming’s idea

Teaming offers a range of international social causes that we can support any time, no matter where we are. How? By spending 1 euro a month in any cause.

209.136 Teaming Groups you can join and support with 1 euro a month. The causes are both national and international, and you can either help a Spanish family in serious needs or help to diminish hunger in Ethiopia.

Teaming is simple: it integrates different causes (which are Teaming groups everyone can start) and it offers donors the chance to give 1 euro a month without the need to think about it: Teaming takes care of that for the donor.

When donors decide they want to stop their monthly donation, they can easily stop donation. And if you wonder who can profit from Teaming’s funds the answer is pretty much everyone, from individual people to nonprofits, schools and universities.


Wapsi: microdonation at no cost

Wapsi is not a crowdfounding platform, because users don’t need to spend a single euro. How does it work, then? Users buy services as they would normally do: there is a list of (big) companies which are Wapsi partners.

Through Wapsi website, you add a button through which all your sales become donations for any of Wapsi’s partner organizations, all of them nonprofits dedicated to a range of different causes, from the care for elders to hunger in Ethiopia or the cure of rare diseases.

Wapsi offers users the chance to donate without actually giving any money: if you buy a Vueling ticket for a flight through Wapsi website, the company is going to give the nonprofit you chose a small percentage of the money you spent in the flight.

Initiatives such as Teaming and Wapsi come from abroad, but these two where particularly designed in Catalunya. In other Spanish regions, similar applications have been launched. Is it the time of microdonations?

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