
The European Students’ Union and its members put forward 24 proposals for the 2024 European elections. 

E20 Activity.

The YMCA received the award at the 5th National Forum of the European Social Fund for its programme “You can make it through Secondary Education” which has been renamed “recalculating route”.


When a child tells an adult "I'm bored", can it be a sign that something is wrong?

The European project 'Computer Science For All' involves entities from Portugal, Spain and England.

The meeting 'Living with technology: innovation in education' has brought together experts in education and technology from all over Europe in Barcelona.

Since 2017, the Open Arms organization has rescued more than 66,000 people.

Open Arms has different formats to do work on climate migration with children, teens, and youth.

Amics del Nepal's Education Project is intended to discover the Asian country while practicing English.

The NGO Amics del Nepal has created an educational project designed for Catalan schools, specifically for English classes, to help the students understand this small country at the foot of the Himalayas.

Alianza Solidaria has started a campaign to cover the cost of school supplies for a hundred children and young people.

Alianza Solidaria, based in Barcelona, has a project underway to support the schooling of refugee children and youth in the camps of the Bekaa Valley, in Lebanon.

Participation of refugee students in the UAB Festival.

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has started a fundraising campaign to help ensure that refugees arriving in Catalonia can continue their studies.

Mario Llonch is the founder and president of the For a Smile in Africa Foundation.

The For a Smile in Africa Foundation (Por por sonrisa en Africa) has been focusing for two decades on improving the lives of young people and families in rural Senegal through education.

Demonstration of girls for an education with a gender perspective in Kolda.

The Fundació Guné has developed a project there to work on the gender perspective at schools with the aim of extending this experience to the whole of society. 

Digital storytelling.

Smilemundo is developing the DIGHIST project aimed at designing digital tools to facilitate the work of History and Social Science teachers.

Participants in one of the theater workshops of the ACTin'YOUth project.

ACTinYOUth is an international project to empower youths through acting and ICTs. The idea is to develop acting workshops for social inclusion of youths coming from different cultural backgrounds and at risk of social exclusion.

